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In this section are settings of liturgical music which have been engraved from originals in other languages or hand-written settings in English. The composer or original arranger is noted within each pdf  setting.

Permission is granted to download and duplicate these settings for liturgical use only. For commissions and use in concert repertoire, please email David.
All other rights reserved.

ARRANGEMENTS: Translations and arranged settings from original pieces in other languages

Divine Liturgy

From the Rising to the Setting of the Sun

Leonid Bashmakov (from Finnish)

Great Litany

Georgian melody

Great Litany

Solovetsk Monastery (Russian)

Great Litany

Solovetsk Monastery (English)


Emmaus House (New York, NY)


transcribed by John Graham (from Georgian)

1st Antiphon

Diveyevo Chant (from Russian) by D.Lucs & G.Ealy

1st Antiphon


1st Festal Antiphon

Feasts of the Theotokos (Greek melody)

2nd Antiphon

Diveyevo Chant (from Russian) by D.Lucs & G.Ealy

2nd Antiphon


2nd Festal Antiphon

Feasts of the Theotokos (Greek melody)

3rd Antiphon


Come Let Us Worship

Kovalevsky (arr. St. Vladimir's Seminary)

Come Let Us Worship

Traditional melody

Eis Polla

Georgian melody


transcribed by John Graham (from Georgian)


Georgi Sviridov (from Russian)


Traditional melody



Before Thy Cross

Kakheti Chant (from Georgian)


A. Archangelsky

Alleluia / At the Gospel

Alaskan melody


Gelati melody

Litany of Fervent Supplication

Sioni Cathedral (from Georgian)

Litany of Fervent Supplication

Traditional melody, Multi-Language setting

Litany of Fervent Supplication

Albanian / Pochaev melodies


Pochaev / Anonymous melodies

Little Litany

After "Only Begotten" (multiple languages)

Little Litany

Alaskan melody

Cherubic Hymn

Greek chant

Cherubic Hymn

Staro Simonovskaia

Cherubic Hymn

Metropolitan Jonathan of Tulchin (from Russian)

Cherubic Hymn

Kartl-Kakhuri (from Georgian) by D. Lucs & L. Ninoshvili

Cherubic Hymn (#9)

Gregory Lomakin (from Russian)

Augmented Litany

Bulgarian melody

Augmented Litany

Unknown melody

We Praise Thee


It Is Truly Meet

D. Bortniansky (arr. Mary Ann Sporcic)

It Is Truly Meet

(from a Georgian melody)

And All Mankind

after Vinogradov

Lord's Prayer

John Grivna (1965)

Lord's Prayer

(from a Georgian melody)

Receive the Body

Leonid Bashmakov (English)

Receive the Body

Bessarabova melody

Communion Hymn

John David Finley

Communion Hymn

Kiev-Pechersk Lavra

Receive the Body

Byzantine Chant

Blessed Be The Name

Archangelsky (01)

Blessed Be The Name

Archangelsky (02)

Many Years

Archpriest Sergei Glagolev (for David Drillock)

Many Years

Galician Traditional melody

Many Years

H. Kononen (Finnish)

Many Years

H. Kononen (English)

Many Years

Romanian (Gheorghe Cucu)

Many Years

Urban Georgian Setting

Memory Eternal

Georgian melody

Memory Eternal

Serbian melody

Vespers and Matins

Psalm 104 - verse/refrain setting

D. Allemanov (arr. D.Lucs & G.Ealy)

Evening Litany

Leonid Bashmakov (from Finnish)

Gladsome Light

Kievan Chant (arr. P. Jermihov, harmonized by D. Lucs)

Vouchsafe, O Lord

Carpatho-Rusyn setting

St. Symeon's Prayer

Carpatho-Rusyn setting

Rejoice, O Virgin

Sergei Trubachev (from Russian)


A. Archangelsky


Psalm 23

Common Chant (arr L'vov-Bakhmetev) Tone 8

Before Thy Cross

Goncharov (arr. Mary Ann Sporcic)

Wedding Prokeimenon


Great Lent and Holy Week

Cheesefare Sunday Vespers Prokeimenon

Holy Thursday Vesperal Liturgy: "Of Thy Mystical Supper"

Tone 6 Common Chant (arr L'vov-Bakhmetev)

Holy Friday Exapostilarion

B. Ledkovsky (SVS setting)

Holy Friday Exapostilarion

Traditional Melody (4 part female voicing)

Holy Friday Exapostilarion

Traditional Melody (4 part male voicing)

Holy Friday Exapostilarion

Traditional Melody (4 part male voicing)

Holy Friday Exapostilarion

Traditional Melody (4 part male voicing)

Holy God

Processional Melody (Multi-languages)


The Angel Cried

Valaam Chant, M. Balakirev (SVS Press)

Arise O God

P. Turchaninov

Thy Resurrection

arr. from Tone 6 Russian Imperial Court Chant

Menaion - Great Feasts and Christmas

Protection of the Theotokos: Troparion

Common Chant (arr. From L'vov-Bakhmetev)

Protection of the Theotokos: Kontakion

Common Chant (arr. From L'vov-Bakhmetev)

Nativity of our Lord: Vespers, Dogmatikon

Znamenny Chant (arr. D. Drillock)

Nativity of our Lord: Vespers, Sticheron

Common Chant (arr. From L'vov-Bakhmetev)

Nativity of our Lord: Vespers, Refrains after the 3rd and 6th Old Testament Reading

Bulgarian Chant (arr. D. Drillock)

Nativity of our Lord: Litiya Stichera

D. Allemanov (arr. Mary Ann Sporcic)

Nativity of our Lord: Magnification

B. Ledkovsky (arr. D. Drillock)

Nativity of our Lord: Magnification

Common Chant (arr. From L'vov-Bakhmetev)

Nativity of our Lord: Matins Prokeimenon

Abbreviated Znamenny Chant

Nativity of our Lord: Matins Post-Gospel Sticheron

B. Ledkovsky (arr. D. Drillock)

Nativity of our Lord: Matins Canon (9th Ode Refrains)

Greek Chant

Nativity of our Lord: Matins Canon (Refrains)

Greek Chant

Nativity of our Lord: Troparion

D. Yaichkov (arr. D. Drillock)

Nativity of our Lord: Troparion

Archpriest Sergei Glagolev

Nativity of our Lord: Troparion

Serbian Chant (arr. T Heckman)

Nativity of our Lord: Troparion

Carpatho-Rusyn chant)

Nativity of our Lord: Kontakion

A. Kastal'sky (arr. D. Drillock)

Nativity of our Lord: Kontakion

D. Bortniansky (arr. D. Drillock)

Nativity of our Lord: Kontakion

Common Chant (arr. From L'vov-Bakhmetev)

Nativity of our Lord: Kontakion

Archpriest Sergei Glagolev

Nativity of our Lord: Hymn to the Theotokos

Romanian Chant (arr. D. Drillock)

Nativity of our Lord: Communion Hymn

David Drillock

Nativity of our Lord: Communion Hymn

Greek Chant

Christmas Carols

Christ is Born: Alleluia!

Fr Sergei Glagolev

All Creation Now Will Rejoice

Ukrainian Carol

A Star in Heaven

V. Matiuk (arr. Mary Ann Sporcic)

Christ our God

Ukrainian Carol

Christ the Son of God

Ukrainian Carol

Silent Night

Franz Gruber

There was Great Rejoicing

Ukrainian Carol

There was Joy in Bethlehem

Carpatho-Russian Carol

What Great News

Romanian Carol

Holy Father Nicholas

Ukrainian Carol (arr. Mary Ann Sporcic)

Heaven and Earth

Ukrainian Carol

Click on these links to view other choral compositions by David Lucs.

Permission is granted to download and duplicate these settings for liturgical use only. For commissions and use in concert repertoire, please email David.
All other rights reserved.

© 2024 The DLucs Collection

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